XVI 233 // XVI Rabari, India

Year: 2012

XVI 233 - Rabari Nobleman - Rathanambore National Park - Aman Bagh, Rajasthan - India, 2012 For almost 1,000 years, the Rabari have roamed the deserts and plains of what is today western India. It is believed that this indigenous group, with a pronounced Persian physiognomy, migrated from the Iranian plateau more than a millennium ago. The Rabari are now found largely in Gujarat and Rajasthan. “It is morning whenever you wake up" The Rabari women dedicate long hours to embroidery, a vital and evolving expression of their crafted textile tradition. They also manage the hamlets and all money matters, while the men are on the move with the herds. Livestock, wool, milk and leather, is their main source of income.



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XVI 233 // XVI Rabari, India
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