Rough Collie

Medium: Digital C-Print on Archival Photographic Paper
Year: 2020

There is a reason why we choose animals to be our mascots. They are spotless embodiments of excellence and represent all of the strengths that we strive for. Reveille is the official mascot of Texas A&M University and an exemplary symbol of the core values it holds so dear. Originally bred to herd sheep in Scotland, rough collies are known for their speed, responsiveness, and assertiveness on the farm. In the household, they are known for their warm, loyal, and loving personalities. Reveille was a special dog to photograph and truly embodied the ancestral strengths of her breed, as well as the softened evolutions of it. As a Texas A&M alumnus myself, I love the complexity of her expression in this portrait—warm but watchful, curious but composed.



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