Donkey No. 1

Medium: Digital C-Print on Archival Photographic Paper
Year: 2024

Daisy did her best to live up to the stubborn stereotypes. While trying to coax this gregarious donkey onto the set, she dug her heels into the floor and refused to set foot on the soft padding we laid out for her. We were eventually able to lead her to my lens with some tasty hay and gentle ear scratches. In the end, I love the portrait we captured of this spirited girl. It’s as if she’s staring straight down the barrel of my lens and declaring, “You may have won the battle, but I’ll have the last word.” And she definitely did. Daisy’s quiet comeback arrived in the form of a special pile of you-know-what on the floor where she had been standing. Thanks for leaving something for us to remember you by, Daisy.



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