Barn Cat

Medium: Digital C-Print on Archival Photographic Paper
Year: 2024

Lil Bit is not your average cat. His owners were told he would need to be put down after he contracted a lethal feline coronavirus. Life had other plans for Lil Bit though. After three months of intense medication and more than 80 shots total, this miracle kitty made it. On any given day now, you can find three-year-old Lil Bit living his best life—whether rolling over for belly rubs, zooming around the house, or being held in the air so he can swat at flying moths. He’s not just a cuddly house cat though. Barn cats rule the roost at night, so when we captured this moment of Lil Bit licking his chops, I knew it would be the perfect portrait to portray his predatorial side.



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