MME. Rigaud With Spaniel France

Medium: Pigment print on Hahnemϋhle photo rag paper
Year: 1957

Chateaux, Mme. Rigaud with Springer Spaniels -- Mme. Mario Rigaud, one of France's best markswomen with her gamekeeper and Springer Spaniels. The English Springer Spaniel, the founder of all English Hunting Spaniels, is favored for work close to the handler and under the gun. Unlike the Cocker Spaniel which due to its smaller size was chosen to hunt woodcock, the Springer Spaniel is used to flush out and spring on game. The English Springer Spaniel's excellent work with the hunter in the field lead to its sweet disposition. Springer spaniels are excellent family dogs and infinitely companionable. Photographed for LIFE, a variation of this photo appeared in the November 4, 1957 issue.



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