Hummingbird in Paris

Medium: Digital C-Print on Archival Photographic Paper
Year: 2024

I have wanted to photograph a hummingbird in flight for some time now, however, finding the right environment has proven difficult over the years. Because these tiny beauties flit rapidly from one place to another, it can be extremely difficult to try to photograph just one — that’s why it helps to have many. After catching wind of a large flock in Paris, TX, I decided to make a last-minute road trip in pursuit of this special bird. Upon arrival, however, there were none in sight. We held out hope though and decided to build a mobile studio while we waited for our feathered friends to emerge for their evening feeding. Before I knew it, there were dozens of emerald wings and slender beaks floating in front of my lens. Out of all the shots that day, this portrait’s composition struck a chord with me. The angulation of his beak, wings, and body felt like a perfect representation of the weightless nature of hummingbirds — hovering and ascending like graceful dancers of the sky. The ability to freeze the unreal speed of his wings relied on lightning-fast strobes and shutter speeds, a wide-open depth of field, and a monstrous 300mm lens. In the end, I couldn’t have asked for a better adventure or portrait, and am honored to have captured these incredible creatures in flight.



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