Dappled Texas Longhorn

Medium: Digital C-Print on Archival Photographic Paper
Year: 2024

In the world of magnificent longhorns, Dante’s story is one of strength and resilience. Nearly robbed of his world-record horns by a fluke crack, Dante defied the odds with the help of many loving vets and animal surgeons. Thanks to the daring innovation of Texas A&M’s Large Animal Hospital and the guidance of the Austin Zoo’s leadership, Dante’s horn was meticulously pieced back together using a combination of traditional and experimental surgery with wires and precise fusing. Though the surgery was successful, doctors remained unsure of how Dante’s crack would heal over time, but thankfully he emerged from his adversity only stronger and more majestic than ever. Dante’s horns continue to reach far and wide, inching ever closer to a world record. His journey echoes through the Texas Hill Country as a memorable tale of grit, help, and healing—reminding us all that even a crack can’t break the spirit of a true legend.



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